Collection: Consumer Math
Here you'll find materials for teaching a high school personal finance course, including a printable curriculum, a big bundle of activities, a vocabulary word wall, and projects.

Scaffolded Consumer Math Curriculum - a printable, 18-unit personal finance curriculum especially created for teens. Topics include: wants vs. needs, checks and registers, wages and salary, bank accounts, budgeting, credit cards, credit score, discounts and coupons, sales tax and tip, percent change, unit prices, income taxes, car loans, mortgages, student loans, investing, and insurance. The income taxes unit is kept current every year.
Consumer Math Activities Bundle - A big collection of engaging printable and digital activities that build personal financial literacy skills. These can be used to supplement the consumer math curriculum or stand on their own.
Teaching teens how to file a 1040 tax return - This post shares a printable 1040 cheat sheet, along with a set of task cards to teach students how to file federal income taxes.

There is a free set of unit price task cards in my blog's free math resource library.